Mental health monitoring through interactive conversations (MENHIR), is a H2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) project. The MENHIR project aims to research and develop conversational technologies to promote mental health and assist people with mental ill health (mild depression and anxiety) manage their conditions. Menhir is being spearheaded by a team from Northern Ireland, including Action Mental Health and Ulster University in collaboration with England, Germany, Italy and Spain. Maurice Mulvenna Ulster University gave “a review of identified needs for mental health apps”, Raymond Bond, Ulster University, talked about Mental Health apps and the needs of the users. A presentation on “Innovation and the third sector” was delivered by David Babbington from Action Mental Health.
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ChatPal Project staff Norrbotten, Sweden Discuss Young People’s Mental Health
ChatPal investigates whether artificial intelligence can contribute to increased mental well-being. Project staff from ChatPal in Norrbotten, Sweden, discuss the main focus of supporting young people with mental illness in an interesting video. Please follow the link to view