Advisory Group

The ChatPal Advisory Group, formed from representatives from associate partners and nominated stakeholder groups provides direct advice and mentoring to the project consortium, and reviews material, presentations and recommendations made by the ChatPal consortium regarding the performance of the ChatPal project.

Adam Elliott

Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Psychological Therapies Service, Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland

Marjo Kurki 

Senior Researcher, University of Turku, Finland

Marcus Liwicki

Professor of Machine Learning, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Brendan McCarthy

Chief Executive Officer, Cork Mental Health Foundation and Housing Association, Ireland

Anders Nordin

IT-director/manager and acting development director/manager, Region Norrbotten, Sweden

Jane O’Flynn

HIHI Manager, Health Innovation Hub Ireland, Ireland

Nadja Ståhl

President (student section), Swedish Association of Health Professionals, The Swedish Association of Health Professionals , Sweden

Margaret Whoriskey

Head of Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation, Digital Health and Care Directorate, Scotland

Chris Wright

National Advisor for Digital Mental Health, Scottish Government, Scotland